"Another Point of View"
Our Artists paint from the same photos.
Opening & Artist Reception: Friday, October 26th


1.Photo, Cornwall, England - about 1962



Jody Rigsby "Cornwall Cottage"
14 x 14" oil on cradle board $ 1100


Ginger Whellock "Cornwall Memories"

11 x 14" oil, framed - $ 1100

Carol Jenkins "Cornwall Cottage"
12 x 16" oil on cradle board $ 1800


2. Photo, Fishing on the Fraser, 2017

Sarah L. Lewis "The Fraser"
17.25 x 24", framed - $


Cliff Austin "Fishing the Fraser"
8 x 8 ", framed - $ 320

Fran Gottlieb "Fishing the Fraser"
9 x 12 ", framed - $ 920


3. Photo, Giverny, France - 2000



Mary Ellen Andrews "Giverny"
18 x 18" oil, framed - $




4. Photo, City Park Floral, Denver - 2017



Teresa Vito "Blue"
18 x 24" , framed- $ 3400


5. Photos, Flowers from the Garden, Denver - 2017






6. Photo, Paris Market - 2016



Ginger Whellock "Marche du Matin"
11 x 14", framed - $ 1100



7. Photo by Holly Bowers, Denver Backyard - 2015








8. Photo, Killarney, Ireland - 1999

9. Photo, Montalcino, Italy -


Cliff Austin "Montalcino with Flowers"
11 x 14", framed - $ 695



10. Photo, Latin Quarter, Paris - 2016


Sheri Farabaugh "French Waiter"

8 x 16", framed - $ 1100










11. Photo, Insmont near Bailey, Colorado - 2015

All the photos were taken by Paula Colette but the robins, which was taken by Holly Bowers.